Matthew Salisbury
Matthew Salisbury is an illustrator from Mississauga Ontario and currently based in Etobicoke, he graduated Sheridan College in 2021 after studying in the Honours Bachelor of Illustration program. His style is influenced by expressionism and impressionism as well as graphic art and comics. He has worked professionally as a comic book creator since 2021 and has also created murals and animated a music video.

This is my variant cover
for the second volume of Tales from the Cloakroom, a comics anthology created by the students of Scott Snyders online comics writing class. This cover was made with ink on bristol and digital colours in procreate, the goal was to create an image that captured the amazing stories that one can find when picking up a comic
First page from a comic
I created with Tony Adams that is featured in Tales from the Cloakroom volume 2. A dark story about overcoming childhood trauma. This comic was illustrated and coloured on procreate.
This was a mural I was commissioned to make by The Mississauga Arts Council
with the property provided by Connolly Capital, the purpose of this mural was to show the history of Port Credit and the Credit river located in Mississauga Ontario. images in the mural feature, locale wildlife, local sports activities including the local hockey team and rowing teams as well as images to convey the history of the Mississauga of the credit first nations people and their stories with guidance from local elders. This was made digitally and printed on vinyl.
One page from a mini comic
made in collaboration with Frances Elizbeth Moore of Timiskaming First Nation, drawn on bristol with ink and coloured digitally in procreate this comic was talk raise awareness about residential schools and the challenges indigenous families still face today with child welfare system which continues to largely target indigenous families.
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