Celeste Colborne
Celeste is a multi-disciplinary artist and illustrator from Alberta. She is interested in dream logic, fairy tales and the dark in-between. She also loves living things, old things, science, history and weirdness. Some of her clients include: Politico Europe, Canadian Wildlife Magazine, Readers Digest Canada, The Walrus, Chatelaine, The Globe and Mail, and Scholastic Canada. In 2022 Applied Arts recognized Celeste as one of the top young blood illustrators, winning in the category of unpublished/personal work.

About a Ghost
a personal piece exploring digital mark making. 2022 Applied Arts Young Blood Illustration Winner
Waking the Witch
a painting inspired by the novel of the same name by Pam Grossman.
The Money
Lynn Coady’s short story, The Money, focuses on the female protagonists relationship with her eccentric massage therapist/yoga instructor and an aging movie star famous for sensuous nudity. Client: The Walrus Art Director: Meredith Holigroski
The Globe and Mail
Sex traffickers are using shell companies to launder illicit profits in Canada. New research sheds light on how hundreds of potentially illicit massage parlours hide their money and the vulnerable people they prey on. Art director: Ming Wong and Brennan Higginbotham Client: The Globe and Mail
a personal piece exploring the potential of dance. 2021 Communication Arts Illustration Competition Shortlist
Aspergers, as a Girl
From the series ‘Aspergers, as a Girl’. The system used to diagnose Autism and the current socio-cultural understanding of Autism are both biased towards a male expression of the condition. Using fairy tales, the series disrupts this narrative, illustrating a feminine perspective on high functioning Autism, also known as Aspergers. Drawing upon The Goose Girl by the Brothers Grimm, this piece focuses on how Asperger’s makes girls more vulnerable to bullying, abuse and manipulation because of social naivety and an intense desire to be liked.
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