Brynn Mercer
Brynn is a multi-media, multi-disciplinary artist specializing in anatomical, historical, and pin-up illustrations. Her work is a blend of vintage and contemporary influences, using expressive line, muted colours, and subtle textures to explore feminist imagery and the aesthetics of nostalgia. Brynn’s work engages the audience to challenge their mindsets or implicit biases. She is pursuing a career in anatomical illustration and character design.
The Celestial Bodies
The Celestial Bodies, a series of illustrations, examines the strength of female sex workers. Women who openly express their sexuality are often dehumanized, shamed, or seen as less compared to traditionally modest women. The three figures, illustrated as burlesque dancers from different cultures, also represent goddesses from various cultures: Athena from Greek mythos, Kali from Hinduism, and the ‘Earth Mother’ goddess found in many African religions. The goddess symbolism speaks to the power female sex workers hold, as, despite their negative reputation, they possess great strength and beauty. As their inner anatomy is revealed, the viewer is challenged to question their inherent biases when viewing images of sexualized women.
Pippin and Wesley – A Tail of Two Brothers
Pippin and Wesley is a children’s storybook set in Victorian England following two miniature dachshund brothers as they navigate their daily life. Pippin, the younger of the two, is always causing trouble and getting into messes. Although Wesley sometimes feels frustrated, he’s always there to help get his brother out of trouble. The story encourages children with siblings to learn how to cooperate and support their sibling, despite sometimes finding it difficult.
Comparative Anatomy
A project exploring the anatomy of two distinctive species and their similarities.

Bread and Milk and Salt
Illustrated book cover for the short story Bread and Milk and Salt by Sarah Gailey.

Living Valley
Living Valley is a point-and-click mystery game where you play as two characters—big city detective Daniel Ray, and his partner, a local park ranger named John Wilson. The game takes place in a fictional town called Living Valley within 1950s Wisconsin. The player is tasked with unravelling the mystery of multiple disappearances in the town, including the disappearance of the mayor’s 12-year-old son. The aim of the project was to focus on character design, and to create a cast of unique and visually appealing characters.