
Ally Roy

Ally Roy is a multimedia illustrator and artist from the U.S. currently based in southern Ontario. Her work explores the dissection of the natural world through traditional mediums and eccentric characters. Ally aims to spread curiosity in her illustrations and is eager to get her hands on new endeavours.

Carousel for Missoula

A series of bandana designs created from explorative paintings based on the historic Carousel for Missoula—a hand-carved carousel in Montana. The designs honour the late Chuck Kaparich, a cabinet maker who carved horses for the carousel and taught volunteers how to carve as well.

Citrus Circle

A whimsical concept art zine exploring what lurks deep in a forgotten corner of Florida called Citrus Circle. Snippets of Snowbird Jones’ artistic travel journal unveil the mystery.

Cutting Edge

A series of layered paper animations depicting grotesque 19th-century surgical practices.

Simon Says

A three-page comic set in the Wild West of the Cosmos. An astronaut visiting the area teaches an alien a classic game that ends with quite a bang.